Highly successful, strategic, and totally proactive business people embrace so-called hard times because they cleanse the marketplace of marginal competitors who aren’t strategic but instead are just reaping the benefits of good times as opposed to being really good businesspeople.
Business success really is as simple as finding what I call an “under-recognized” or changing need and filling it in with wisdom, empathy, and understanding that no one else can demonstrate or display.
To put it another way, you are solving problems people may not even clearly be able to articulate.
There are three categories of problems:
- Your Own Problems,
- Your Competitor’s Problems, and
- Your Market’s Problems.
Most businesses do not have a plan firmly based on four essential factors:
- Product,
- Market,
- Migration, And
Most businesses lack a concrete, clear picture of where the business is supposed to go.
Most business owners simply fail to examine their current projections.
They don’t ask the “what if” kinds of questions that lead to staggering success.
When your company incorporates my strategies, you’ll sit down annually to create an integrated, detailed growth plan for the year.
Your plan will be broken down backwards
- By Product,
- By Market,
- By Marketing,
- By Source,
- By Type Of Buyer,
- By Month, and sometimes even
- By Week.
You’ll be able to create strategies that are ready to be invoked right away.
You’ll monitor and measure the performance of each new strategy at least every two weeks if not more.
When you see deviation down or up, you’ll respond proactively and immediately instead of waiting for things to get out of hand.
You’ll learn where to get the biggest impact.
You’ll know what to do, and how to execute on your strategies and tactics.
You’ll maximize the profitability of your business by replacing unrewarding activities with new concepts you can test right away.
If the deviation is up, you’ll be ready to do more in that area.
If it’s down, you’ll adjust by replacing activities, fine-tuning your approach, or adding new lines of attack.
I will give you the guidance you need to make this approach to planning a reality for your business.
I’ll show you how to analyze every activity you perform in terms of the basic, critical question:
If you put one dollar in, what is it that you get in return?
And, how much future profit do you generate?
Everything you do should be measured in terms of either an investment or a profit center, as opposed to just a cost expense.
How do you shorten your company’s planning and operating horizons (what the company should do for you in the short, medium, and long term), so that you ensure not just the growth but the very survivability of your business?
How do you get out of the parity pricing predicament that bedevils businesses like fast food chains?
How do you command the extra pricing premium that a Ritz-Carlton or a Tiffany’s can charge?
How do you ally with bigger companies, add products from other companies, develop access to products and technology without having to spend money and time, develop footholds in new and international markets, and have R&D performed for you for pennies on the dollar or for no cost at all?
These are the types of pivotal questions I can answer.
Contact me and let’s set up a Free 45 minute discovery call worth $1,000 where I’ll share at least 3 things you can implement in your business immediately.